Hassan Shahmohammadi

Hassan Shahmohammadi

Senior Research Scientist

Sony R&D


I am currently working at Sony Europe in Stuttgart as a senior research scientist. Previously, I was attending a structured PhD program at the University of Tuebingen and IMPRS-IS supervised by professors Hendrik P. A. Lensch and R. Harald Baayen. My PhD projects focused on bridging language with vision where knowledge of both modalities is required.
My free time is mainly occupied by doing sports, making handcrafts, and learning new languages. Feel free to browse around to find out more about me.

  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Multimodal learning
  • MSc in Computer Science (AI)

    University of Bu-Ali Sina

  • PhD in Computer Science (ML & NLP)

    University of Tuebingen


Senior Research Scientist
May 2024 – Present Germany
University of Tuebingen
PhD in Computer Science (ML & NLP)
Jan 2020 – Apr 2024 Germany
Thesis Topic: Language Grounding to Vision
Aug 2017 – Aug 2019 Iran

Specialized in:

  • Machine learning basics
  • Text classification & Semantic word/sentence embeddings
  • Object detection & Text-image retrieval
University of Bu-Ali Sina
MSc in Computer Science (AI)
University of Bu-Ali Sina
Sep 2016 – Jan 2019 Iran
Thesis Topic: Paraphrase Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques.


Filter publications by type and date.
(2023). ViPE: Visualise Pretty-much Everything [Outstanding paper award]. In EMNLP.

PDF Cite Paper Link Github Videos

(2022). How direct is the link between words and images?. In The Mental Lexicon.

PDF Cite Paper Link

(2022). Language with Vision: a Study on Grounded Word and Sentence Embeddings. In Behavior Research Method.

PDF Cite Paper Link Github

(2021). Learning Zero-Shot Multifaceted Visually Grounded Word Embeddingsvia Multi-Task Training. In CoNLL 2021.

PDF Cite Paper Link Github

(2020). Paraphrase detection using LSTM networks and handcrafted features. Multimedia Tools and Applications.

PDF Cite Paper Link

(2018). An Extensive Comparison of Feature Extraction Methods for Paraphrase Detection. ICCKE.

Cite Paper Link


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Art & Handcrafts
A way to bring your imagination into reality.
Art & Handcrafts
Bouldering, Biking, General Fitness.
